
Posted: October 10, 2009 in Random Thoughts


Imagine with me that there’s someone who actually cares, someone asks you; how are you? And cares to hear the answer! Imagine with me a person that you can confide into, a person that you can trust the most, that you can reveal your secrets to with no fear of the consequences, with no fear that they can use these secrets to hurt you one day!

Imagine with me a person shares with you the same insatiable feeling, who desires you and wants to have a lifetime with you, who dreams about you and about the day you be together forever, who dreams about raising a family with you and willing to sacrifice anything just to see a smile on your face.

Imagine with me a person who believes in you, a person who has faith in you, who knows that no matter what happens you will get through it together, a person who loves you for who you are, not for what they want you to be, loves you for the way they feel when they are with you.

Imagine with me a person who turns your world with a smile, who makes you feel that reality is much better than dreaming, a person who makes you feel desired, wanted & needed, who gives a meaning to this meaningless world of yours!

Imagine with me a person who never gives up on you, a person who offers you a lifetime of happiness, offers you a bond that won’t break, a trust that won’t shake, offers you a dream that comes true, a soul mate they find in you.

Imagine with me that you can’t get this person out of your head because they simply supposed to be there, imagine that when you are with that person you feel you are home, you know this is where you belong.

And the most important thing is that I don’t need to imagine any of this anymore because all this exists, all this is true, and all this in one person… And this person is you.

  1. Yaser Hani says:

    I’m happy for you… but unfortunately I can only imagine.

  2. Desert Rose says:

    I imagined with you and imagined… I was led to a sweet zone in my inner self which drew a smile on my face…some people don’t realize how much their other part meant…some call it reliance…some take them for granted…” Imagine with me that you can’t get this person out of your head because they simply supposed to be there” …I like the way you put it…surely with that special someone…life has a sour…spicy…bitter and sweet taste…quite overwhelming!!!

    Btw…this reminds of the song “imagine” by John Lennon…although different perspective…both are deeply touching….Thank you:-)

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